About Us

Learn About Our Commitment to Authenticity

Welcome to Satvik Fresh! We are passionate about providing pure, ethically sourced wellness products to help you lead a healthy, wholesome life. At Satvik, we believe true health comes from what we eat. That’s why we go to great lengths to provide you with the purest, most natural products straight from our trusted community of farmers.

Our premium wood-pressed oils retain the nutrients and original flavours of the premium quality seeds through gentle, traditional techniques. Likewise, we prepare our ghee by preserving its richness and pure essence. We deliver the goodness of nature that nourishes your mind and soul.

Our Values

At Satvik Fresh, we believe in fostering a harmonious relationship between nature, humanity, and well-being. We are consistently committed to environmental sustainability through ethical and responsible practices. We prioritise products that are sourced responsibly and packaged with eco-friendly materials.

We provide detailed product descriptions, usage instructions, and ingredient information to ease your navigation into the world of Ayurvedic products. We aim to help you make informed decisions aligning with your wellness goals.

Our Vision

At Satvik Fresh, our vision is to become the most trusted provider of organic, wholesome nutritional resource that nourishes both body and spirit. We aim to be a comprehensive resource for conscious consumers globally who seek natural ways to enhance their health and well-being. We envision a world where Satvik Fresh products are integrated into daily rituals, empowering individuals and fostering a lifestyle of holistic wellness and sustainability.

Our Mission

Our mission is to share the timeless wisdom of organic living and its power to cultivate holistic well-being within ourselves and our world. We are dedicated to delivering genuine products and reliable resources that make ethical organic living achievable and uplifting for all.

Our authentic offerings aim to empower individuals to embrace traditional practices that nurture a balanced body, mind and inner harmony. Our platforms aim to lay a foundation for a healthier and more sustainable future.

Opt For Natural And Chemical Free Nourishment


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An Ayurvedic perspective on A2 Ghee

The history and cultural significance of organic Sesame oil

Exploring the health benefits of organic Mustard oil